Amy Krebs, best known for her American Idol television appearances (Season 6), recorded and produced her self-titled 3-song EP.
Over and Again
Composer/Producer/Vocals/BGVs: Amy Krebs; Composer: David Das; Composer: The BGP; Engineer, Mixing, Mastering: Matt Bang; Guitar (bass): Leo Budirahardjo; Drums/Producer: Valerie Franco; Vocal Coach: Gordan Josef; Keyboard: Brian Lemus; Composer/Guitar (acoustic)/Guitar (electric)/Producer: Kellen Mills; Guitar (electric): Chris Wrate; Design/Layout: Lawton Outlaw; Photography: Karen Stegall; Executive Producer: Emily Hibard. Recorded at Idle Tuesdays Recording Studio. Copyright Amy Krebs.
Copyright 2012-2021 Idle Tuesdays Recording Studio, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.